Build a reading habit.
One photo at a time.

Based on the book Atomic Habits, Atomic Reading is a minimalistic habit tracker designed to help you build a reading habit with photos and memories, not checkmarks.

Using psychology to get you hooked on reading

According to NYT Best Seller Atomic Habits, the most effective way to build a habit is to build a system that incorporates tiny changes that can compound over a long period of time. Atomic Reading is a system that does just that.

illustration of taking a photo of a book with a phone

Tiny actions

Read as much or as little as you want, we intentionally made it so that taking a photo is the only thing Atomic Reading tracks!

illustration of taking a grid of photos

Visual reward

Atomic Habits says, to make a habit stick you must make it attractive. Seeing your photo is far more satisfying than a checkmark!

illustration of a folder of photos

Long term investment

One principle of an addictive behavior is the sense of investment. By seeing a collection of photos you will value these memories of reading more and more, making it harder to stop your habit overtime.

Tiny changes, huge effects

We only need one great book to change our life. 15 minutes of reading a day will result in 10 books per year, 500 books in your life time.

Compounding Interest
Image taken from Atomic Habits

Start building your reading habit today!

The best time to start reading was 10 years ago, the second best time is now.

Frequently asked questions

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

    • What is Atomic Habits?

      Atomic Habits is a New York Times Best Selling book that introduced the concept of tiny habits. It is a great book that I highly recommend you to read! You can find the book on Amazon or your local bookstore.

    • What is the point of a photo?

      First of all, to build a long lasting habit, there needs to be a variable reward. There are no two same photos in the world, so every photo you take will feel new, unlike a checkmark. Second, photos allow us to look back and recall our own memories, making the calendar something of value for us.

    • Can I just take a photo and shut the book right away?

      Yes, that's exactly what we want you to do! Say you don't feel like reading 20% of the time, just snap a photo and close your book! If you read on the other 80% that's's still 300 days of reading in a year! It's important to not let those 20% of days ruin your reading habit.

    • Do I need to finish the book that I start?

      If you read every single day for the rest of your life, you can finish about 500 books. Assuming more great books will come out in the future, it's not a great idea to finish every single book you start. Everyone have different book preferences so it's impossible to know whether you'll like a book or not unless you start it. So, if you don't like a book, yet continue to read it, you are actually sacrificing other great books that you can read in your life time.

    • Can I use this on my phone?

      Yes! Atomic Reading works well on your phone! Just make sure to not close the tab while uploading the photo. We are working on a dedicated app for Atomic Reading!

    • Do I need to take a photo EVERYDAY?

      There is no hard rule as to how you want to track your habits, but we recommend you to take a photo every day because it feels satisfying. If you don't feel like reading, just take a photo of your book and move on with your day!

    • Is there a student discount?

      Yes! We understand the struggles of being in college. If you are a student, you can get 50% off the price of Atomic Reading by sending us an DM on Reddit with your student ID.

    • Can I export all the photos?

      Currently we don't have an automatic process for exporting all the photos, but if you send us a DM on Reddit with your email, we can send you all the photos you've taken so far.

    • Can I feature this on my blog/channel/social?

      Of course! We'd love to see how you use Atomic Reading and help more people build their reading habits! If you have any questions, feel free to DM us on Reddit!